Alex Satre

Designer II, Office Snack Embassador

Born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Alex moved to New Orleans in 2016 to pursue her Master of Architecture at the Tulane School of Architecture. With a minor in Real Estate and work experience in construction and development, she was immersed into the world of adaptive reuse and historic preservation within the Crescent City.

While receiving her education, Alex was part of the Urban Build program, designing and constructing a single-family home for the New Orleans Neighborhood Housing Program. With this hands-on experience, she has respect for and sees the true value in the work put into each and every project; from conceptual design intentions to waterproofing and flashing details. 

Seeking opportunities for equity within design and holding the belief that everyone deserves a right to safe and affordable housing, Alex views her architecture career as a gateway to providing everyone with a place to call home. Having served as treasurer and president of Tulane Women in Architecture, Studio SOGO provides the environment for her past and future experiences to build off of each other in the great City of Atlanta.

As a dog mom and nature enthusiast, Alex finds time to experience and learn about Georgia’s flora and fauna, read any non-fiction she can get her hands on, and daydream about the possibilities in every vacant building she sees.